Saturday, January 6, 2018

Lead Nurturing: What #AutoMarketing Needs!

If your experience working with sales leads sent to a dealership has involved too many"Poor Quality Leads", then maybe Lead Nurturing is a viable and important digital marketing component that you need to better understand. Nurturing your leads until they become clients is the foundation of a profitable marketing activityLead nurturing is to build relationships with potential customers even if they are not currently looking to buy a new or used car, even if they aren't ready to use your service department.  If you have ever tried to download an online "eBook" or "White Paper" then you most likely were required to fill out a form with at least your name and email address. Surely you have provided your personal data to download SEO or #Automotive marketing whitepapers, ebooks or participate in free webinars... Then, shortly afterwards you have received some emails from that supplier or company with certain information. This kind of process is known as Lead Nurturing.

So, Lead Nurturing is a marketing automation technique with three purposes:

  • Identify which customers in your database are ready to make a purchase, or service their vehicle.
  • Ensure that #Automotive consumers who are not yet ready could receive valuable information to help, in order to prepare them for the purchase.
  • Users who you have given up for lost, recover them and start the process

Lead Nurturing promotes more personalized and flexible relationship with our prospects. This is an opportunity to increase revenue and share market.

To get the most of your potential customers, first of all you must to understand exactly what they are looking for and where in the buying process they are.  A good lead nurturing process is based on monitoring profiles, classification and segmentation of your potential customers. In addition you can customize the process. That will increase the chance of conversion.

How efficient process Lead Nurturing is achieved?

1) Define your ideal potential customers. They may be leads that spoke with a salesperson but not closed sales, leads "sleepers", etc.

2) Decide how many communications you want to receive your leads. It is important to know the sales cycle of your leads to determine the number of communications.

3) Establish a multi-channel communication strategy. Although traditionally the lead nurturing process was based on email, current technology allows you to include SMS and phone calls.

4) Customize the maximum. Make sure that each lead receives the necessary contacts, according with their reaction of received communications.

5) Test different actions. Flow automation will allow you to easily test more than one way to get your leads.Different creativities, messages, contact media.

6) Use metrics. A good lead nurturing process allows you to analyze many metrics. You need to know what contact strategies make better conversions.

OBTAINING BETTER-QUALIFIED LEADS IS EASY: CREATE YOUR HOT LEADS FACTORYWhen a user completes a lead nurturing process, showing interest in received emails and downloaded content you offer, you can estimate that the user is ready to be contacted, and offer your services or products.

In short, Lead Nurturing allows you to optimize your commercial capabilities.

Sent from Ralph Paglia's iPhone

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